Knowing Christ - Heart of the matter

Heart Of The Matter

“That I may know Him” (Phil. 3:10).

The desire of every Christian must be to know his Saviour. Earthly, we all desire to know our parents well. Actually, knowing our parents help us to know what we can or can't ask, do, or say to and for them. The closer the relationship and fellowship better is the understanding and care for each other.

The same is true in our relationship and fellowship with our Saviour, God. The thing is; He knows us well. But we ought to know him too. Denial to self or self-confidence is a major step to getting to know Him.

Knowing Christ in trial by seeking the sympathy of His heart

Immaturity is selfish; maturity is selfless. “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). “The question for the tried and tempted, the harassed and oppressed, is this: ‘Which would you rather have, the power of Christ’s hand in deliverance from the trial, or the sympathy of His heart in the midst of trial?’ The carnal mind, the unsubdued heart, the restless spirit, will, no doubt, at once exclaim, ‘Oh! let Him only put forth His power and deliver me from this insupportable trial, this intolerable burden, this crushing difficulty. I sigh for deliverance. I only want deliverance.’

“But the spiritual mind, the subdued heart, the lowly spirit, will say, and that without a single particle of reserve, ‘Let me only enjoy the sweet company of the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ in my trial, and I ask no more. I do not want even the power of His hand to deprive me of one drop of consolation supplied by the tender love and profound sympathy of His heart. I know He can deliver me, but if He does not see fit to do so, if it does not fall in with His unsearchable counsels, and harmonize with His wise and faithful purpose concerning me so to do, I know it is only to lead me into a deeper and richer realization of His most precious sympathy.’” -C.H.M.

Knowing Christ by faith

“The same faith that sees glory for us at the end of the path sees God for us all through the path. This is the secret of real strength. What unbelief does is to compare ourselves and our own strength with circumstances. What faith does is to compare God with circumstances.” To simply rest in Him who is the author of peace.
“For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ” (2 Cor. 1:5).


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